I offer three services: consultation, training, and microscope laboratory work.
I can help you with solid-state issues for most materials, but my major area of interest is pharmaceuticals. I can advise on polymorphism (in its broadest meaning), on particle size and shape, on contamination identification, and on glass corrosion.
I have developed a variety of training courses dealing with the major areas on pharmaceutical microscopy including Techniques, Application, Polymorphism, Particle Size and Shape, Thermal Microscopy, Scanning Electron Microscopy and Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectrometry, IR and Raman Microscopy, and Glass Corrosion. I am working on materials for Liquid Crystals, Freeze-Dry Microscopy, Fiber Microscopy and the Microscopy of Topical and Inhaled Drugs. I conduct the training at your site or by web.
I have a microscopy laboratory at my home with polarized light microscopy and thermal microscopy. I have access to SEMs at local Universities. I can help with investigational problems and with method development. I am not at all set up for GMP or GLP work.